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Recon files are used to reconcile transactions. The merchant portal provides an abriged version of the recon file.

Recon File Format PA0069

The extended Clearing Reconciliation File Format includes back-office transactions – other debits and credits, not directly related to trading, that were considered in determining the value to be cleared. It can therefore be used to reconcile the transactions processed for the day against the result of clearing.

Clearing Reconciliation files are fixed-length text files. They are made up of records that are delimited with a carriage return line feed character. Each record is read and imported on a line by line basis. The filename must comply exactly with the following format: TR_Clearing_Recon_V2_CAID_YYYYMMDDhhmmss.txt where CAID represents the card acceptor ID code and YYYYMMDDhhmmss represents the date and time when the file was generated. Depending on client requirements, a set of Clearing Reconciliation files can be collected into a ZIP archive and delivered daily.

Reconciliation files contain three types of record:

Header Record

The header should be at the beginning of the file, consisting of:

  • Record Identifier <alphanumeric | mandatory> : (2 characters) Contains the characters HD
  • Reconciliation Date <date | mandatory> : (8 characters) YYYYMMDD format
  • File Generation No <numeric | mandatory> : (4 characters) Unique per file. Numbering began at 1 and increments by 1 for each file sent. It will start again at 1 when 9999 is reached. Left-padded with zeros
  • File Type <alphanumeric | mandatory> : (2 characters) Describes the file type
    • CR: Credit only
    • DR: debit only
    • CD: both
    • NA: other
  • Data Direction <alphanumeric | mandatory> : (3 characters) Describes data direction
    • IN: Inbound data
    • OUT: Outbound data
  • Test/Live indicator <alphanumeric | mandatory> : (4 characters) Describes if the data is test data or live data
    • LIVE: Actual business data
    • TEST: Test data
  • Settlement Mode <alphanumeric | optional> : (5 characters) This applies only to transactions cleared by the PSP
    • GROSS: Gross settlement
    • NETTS: nett settlement

Detail Record

One or more records, which make up the body of the file, consisting of:

  • Record Identifier <alphanumeric | mandatory> : (2 characters) Contains the characters DI

  • Transaction Date Time <date | mandatory> : (14 characters) YYYYMMDDhhmmss format

  • Card acceptor ID code <alphanumeric | optional> : (8 characters) The Merchant Terminal ID of the applicable Merchant. Right-pad with spaces

  • Retrieval reference number <alphanumeric | mandatory> : (12 characters) A unique transaction identifier. Note This value is returned to the notification URL provided in the payments/pay API call

  • Transaction Trace ID <numeric | mandatory> : (6 characters) A secondary transaction identifier

  • Authorisation ID <alphanumeric | mandatory optional> : (xx characters) If absent, fill with spaces

  • Transaction Amount <numeric | mandatory> : (12 characters) The total amount of the transaction, expressed as a positive number in cents. Left-padded with zeros

  • Transaction Type Code <numeric | mandatory> : (2 characters) Transaction type code as defined in ISO 8583. Refer to the transaction type table for details

  • Account Reference <numeric | mandatory> : (19 characters) Primary Account Number, right-padded with spaces. Mandatory but can be masked by replacing characters 7-12 with asterisks Can be omitted filling with spaces

  • Card Expiry Date <numeric | mandatory> : (4 characters) Mandatory but can be omitted by filling with zeros If no PAN is supplied, default to 5012

  • Budget Period <numeric | mandatory> : (2 characters) Defaults to 00 on import

  • Currency Code <numeric | mandatory> : (3 characters) ISO 4217 Currency code

  • Transaction Capture Date <numeric | mandatory> : (8 characters) The business date when the transaction occurred, in YYYYMMDD format

  • Transaction Settlement Date <numeric | mandatory> : (8 characters) The business date when the transaction was settled between acquirer and issuer, in YYYYMMDD format

  • Transaction Fee <numeric | mandatory> : (12 characters) The transaction fee or interchange fee applied to the transaction, left-padded with zeros

  • UUID <tyalphanumericpe | mandatory> : (36 characters) The unique transaction identifier, expressed in GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) format

  • Acquiring Institution ID Code <numeric | mandatory> : (11 characters)

    • Optional: The ID of the institution originating the transaction, right-padded with spaces.
    • Mandatory: but can be omitted by filling with spaces.
  • Receiving Institution ID Code <numeric | mandatory> : (11 characters)

    • Optional: The ID of the institution originating the transaction, right-padded with spaces.
    • Mandatory: but can be omitted by filling with spaces.
  • Message Type <numeric | optional> : (4 characters) A classification for the high-level function of a transaction message

  • Response Code <alphanumeric | optional> : (2 characters) A code describing the outcome of a transaction message

  • Request Transaction Amount <numeric | optional> : (12 characters) The transaction amount of the original request transaction

  • Card Reference <alphanumeric | optional> : (12 characters) Right-Padded with spaces

  • Cashback Amount <numeric | optional> : (12 characters) The amount of cashback included in the transaction, expressed as a positive number in cents. Left-padded with zeros

  • Retrieval Reference Number Extended <numeric | optional> : (99 characters) An additional field for carrying reference information, typically an order number. Right-padded with spaces. Note When using the payments/pay endpoint this value is populated by the value passed in PaymentRequestId and can be used as a unique identifier

  • Sequence Number <numeric | optional> : (5 characters) The number of the record within the file

  • Extended Transaction Type <string | optional> : (5 characters) This field defines the general transaction type, providing more detail about the type of transaction. It allows fees collected from the merchant to be distinguished from other transactions. Values between 2301 and 23ZZ indicate merchant fees

  • Distribution Sign <string | optional> : (5 characters) Indicates debit or credit

  • Distribution Party Type <string | optional> : (50 characters) Indicates the type of party to which the record applies

  • Distribution Party Account Reference <string | optional> : (50 characters) The reference that is passed in the clearing instruction

  • Distribution Party Name <string | optional> : (50 characters) The name of the distribution party in the back office

  • VAT Calculation <string | optional> : (15 characters) Indicates whether a VAT calculation has been performed

  • Back Office Transaction Amount <numeric | optional> : (12 characters) Indicates the value of the transaction in the back office

  • VAT <numeric | optional> : (12 characters) Indicates the VAT value in the case of a VAT-exclusive calculation

  • Cleared by PSP <string | optional> : (1 characters)

    • Y: Transactions that have been cleared by the PSP and the funds have been paid to the merchant.
    • N: Transactions that are to be cleared by another party.

Trailer Record

One record at the end of the file, consisting of:

  • Record Identifier <alphanumeric | mandatory> : (2 characters) Contains the characters HD
  • Reconciliation Date <date | mandatory> : (8 characters) YYYYMMDD format
  • File Generation No <numeric | mandatory> : (4 characters) Unique per file. Numbering began at 1 and increments by 1 for each file sent. It will start again at 1 when 9999 is reached. Left-padded with zeros
  • Total Records <numeric | mandatory> : (8 characters) Total number of records in the file, including the header and trailer. Left-padded with zeros
  • Total DR Records <numeric | mandatory> : (6 characters) Total number of debit records in the file. Left-padded with zeros. If transactions can neither be classified as Debit or Credit types, populate this field with 6 zeros
  • Total CR Records <numeric | mandatory> : (6 characters) Total number of credit records in the file. Left-padded with zeros. If transactions can neither be classified as Debit or Credit types, populate this field with 6 zeros
  • Total DR Value Cleared by PSP <numeric | mandatory> : (12 characters) Total value of those debit records in the file that are marked as cleared by the PSP, given in cents, left-padded with zeros. If transactions can neither be classified as debit or credit types, populate this field with 12 zeros
  • Total CR Value Cleared by PSP <numeric | mandatory> : (12 characters) Total value of those credit records in the file that are marked as cleared by the PSP, given in cents, left-padded with zeros. If transactions can neither be classified as debit or credit types, populate this field with 12 zeros
  • Total DR Value Not Cleared by PSP <numeric | mandatory> : (12 characters) Total value of those debit records in the file that are marked as not cleared by the PSP, given in cents, left-padded with zeros. If transactions can neither be classified as debit or credit types, populate this field with 12 zeros
  • Total CR Value Not Cleared by PSP <numeric | mandatory> : (12 characters) Total value of those credit records in the file that are marked as not cleared by the PSP, given in cents, left-padded with zeros. If transactions can neither be classified as debit or credit types, populate this field with 12 zeros